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Old 15th November 2018, 10:30 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Hotspur
...................and sorry, I would not agree it is a native Afghani made sword. That opinion based on the elements I have outlined.

Not agreeing is perfectly fine, no need to apologize. One needs to consider all possible scenarios.

I have seen Afghan shashkas with Toledo made blades (early 20th century Toledo manufacture) and so it is entirely possible that this is a European made blade. One would expect to see some manufacturer's marks on a European blade though.

Is it also possible that someone in China decided to make a copy of a British sword, but for whatever reason copied from an old Afghan military sword, which would be quite funny, and also unlikely, at least in my opinion.


Last edited by TVV; 15th November 2018 at 10:43 PM.
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