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Old 7th November 2018, 08:59 PM   #8
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Michael, if you could look carefully at this label , possibly through a loupe, or magnifying glass, and write down the letters as you see them, it is possible that I may be able to give sense to them.

I've run it through Photoshop and sharpened it up a bit, and here is what I think I can see:-

line 1:- tombak = spear, pandan = a type pf plant, the leaves used in cooking

line 2:- - - 00 = unintelligible, possibly a price?

line 3:- pamor = the surface patterning of the blade, rambon = a type of tobacco, this reading does not make any sense; if it were to be "pamor rambut", this might make sense, "rambut" is "hair", and this might have been classified by somebody as "pamor rambut", I cannot see it clearly enough to form an opinion.

line 4:- pake = a corruption or alternative colloquial spelling/pronunciation of "pakai", "pakai" = use, wear, take.

Let me have what you can see and I might be able to do better.
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