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Old 6th November 2018, 02:59 PM   #15
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Great link, shaide !
... and a critical condition to bear in mind; the number of men to be fed.
If you have a real (huge) army you will hard manage (or even intend) to serve them gourmet dishes as a diet. Besides, i don't think it is easy to cook and serve food to (several) thousands with a set point flavour. Not to think that nourishment Intendents could pocket their share when fixing with suppliers the (mediocre) quality of raw materials. Also cooks could be driven to not through into the pots the required quantity of ingredients;a few barley corns (period measure) less per portion would make them rich in a glimpse. Both these schemes and cooks very ofen being drafted and not complying with the minimum requirements, would make the men have on the table (when there was one) some 'washed out' stuff their superiors would hypocritically call food; Napoleon was only a follower.
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