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Old 5th November 2018, 05:58 PM   #12
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From what i gather as implicit from reading chronicles, depending on how far or how intense is going to be the battle, the need to prepare things requires corresponding antecipation. We may be talking months... several of them, at times. And if a determined ruler leaves with a constant potential of engaging in war, he will surely keeps his (huge) barns full. Apart from perishable goods, he will amass tons of supplies proportional to his bellicist intentions. Same goes for his arsenal efforts; you know, big battle thoughts, big everything else.
I take it that men in charge of army reserves do not have such high rank as those leading battle wings; maybe this is why they are not mentioned. Although men 'doing nothing' are hard to keep with discipline, and their leaders, in a way, must be tough enough to keep them obedient, avoid their desertion and all that. And after all, those men need to be fed as those in action ... although maybe a bit less, as they are not consuming so much energy.
I realize that, something else that doesn't come (often ?) narrated in books, are the (staff) managers that rulers must have to handle all these logistics; you know, tons of food ingredients coming and going, improvised kitchens, hundreds (thousands) of recipients, queues for the meal (certainly organized by shifts), altercations among men and ... in the end ... whoo's going to feed the animals.
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