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Old 5th November 2018, 04:41 PM   #11
Jens Nordlunde
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While reading Jonathan Scott's book quoting sources wirting about the history, but also about the present time - 15th - 16th century, I have seen mentioned no where, what they did with all the dead people.
Anyway we are now quite a bit away from the subject - my fault sorry.

Agriculture at the time was not so intensively done as now, so what they could get from each village must have been as a water drop on a hot stone. Their needs must have been brought from far away - corn, foot, hay, water and whatever.

A funny thing is, that when reading the book I have only once read about a Sultan keeping a part of the army in reserve should it be needed. I have earlier read that the Mughals did so, but I have never seen it mentioned more than once. There are mentions about who is leading the right wing, the left wing and the centre - but no mentioning about who is leading the reserve.

In one of my books I have the battle formation used by the Mughals.
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