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Old 4th November 2018, 06:48 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by sfenoid13
I just realized how hard it is to find good samples of these knives online . They come from a very small area and they have a very specific style and design to them, with some variations of course. The main town that produces them is Surmene, so you can also look up Surmene Knife in yoru search. You will see that they still make these knives today, actually very similar looking to your samples as well (other than the handle style and bronze details).
I dont have pictures of my collection readily available but I found some examples online for you just now.
Hi Sfenoid,
thank you very much for the provided examples, now I see that you are correct. Do you know the purpose of this knives? Utility? Weapon?
I don't want to give pressure but would be glad to see your collection of this knife type (saldirma) one day!
Any age guess by my example?
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