Thread: Identify saber
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Old 4th November 2018, 12:30 AM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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This is obviously a stirrup hilt of M1796 British light cavalry form but the langets are compellingly similar to those on Indian tulwars (Indo-Persian form hilts) and may well have been for units of cavalry in British service in India. The M1796 while one of the first 'regulation ' pattern swords for Great Britain, seems to have had quite an array of variations as private contractors producing them responded more to demands of the colonels purchasing them than to strict pattern design in certain elements.

This sword 'pattern' itself was much favored in the Indian army and remained being produced (again in variant interpretations) well through the 19th century after the succession of the 1821 patterns which followed the 1796.

Interesting example, and the only such variant 1796's I have seen were some in brass, also with Indian style langet which I believe was for EIC native forces after Seringpatam (1799). I have also seen steel shamshir type hilt with tulwar style quillon terminals and langets.....with British M1788 blade.
I think all of these may fall into an EIC category of private purchase arms.
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