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Old 3rd November 2018, 01:57 PM   #7
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Thank you for noting your results for the term budbud in searches here and more widely on the internet. I had also performed the same searches and came up with similar results. The lists provided by both Miguel Diaz and the Atkinson web site are very similar and appear to come from the same primary source, namely the Tausug-English Dictionary (Kabtangan iban maana) by Irene Hassan et al. (1995).

The last attribution from Wikipedia states that budbud means "rattan." From my own research, the most common Tausug term for rattan is uway. (Languages of the Southern Gateway, The Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1979).

My reason for asking xasterix where he came across the term budbud was to see whether he had a source other than Hassan et al. (or someone quoting that source). I have had reason in the past to question some of the terms and definitions offered by Hassan et al. Looking at the list of terms provided on the Atkinson web site, for example, turns up some strange definitions. More importantly, when I consulted my Philippines' contacts a number of year ago about the accuracy of Hassan et al, they informed me that there were "many errors."

I was initially unclear what xasterix meant by budbud, although he seemed to be describing the rings of plaited material found on the hilts of some barung and kris. Whether these are called budbud in the native language is probably not particularly important because we now have a picture of what he was referring to, and they are indeed the plaited rings that Hassan et al. refer to as "shank collars." Again, this is not a term that I associate with edged weapons, but rather a plumbing term in relation to beer kegs.

But let's not get sidetracked into a pointless name game. Xasterix is asking what style of plaited rings do people prefer?

I don't really have a particular preference. Silver looks good with a silver punto, but that would be on higher end pieces. Waxed black cord is cheaper, easy to find, looks good, and is gentler on the palm and fingers than plaited wire.

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