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Old 30th October 2018, 07:26 AM   #16
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Not to stir the pot. But the presence of langets doesn't necessarily indicate that the implement is weaponized. Though not the most common of features langets do appear on plenty of tool use only implements. Both historically and modernly.

The good news is that when they are present on pure tools. it's usually easy to distinguish. Langets for tools are often not an integral part of the piece. Take for example this old shingle axe.

(Pictures 1 & 2).

Note that these langets are inserted as tines. Hammers of various types which have langets usually do this. There is often an additional recess in the eye of the hammer to allow for it, and the mouth of the eye is recessed as well so they sit relatively flush.

I've owned a few tools (none presently in my tool collection) that had langets which were fitted in this manner. Modernly this is still done by some brands though by different technique. As shown below.

(Picture 3).

Sometimes in both antiquity and modernity there are tools with langets which are integral, such as this framing hammer.

(Picture 4).

In general langets are more common on weapons than tools I'd say. But this doesn't preclude pure tools from having them and that fact is worth driving home.

Even when langets are present as integral to the piece (as shown above in the very last image). They are almost invariably present on the axis of movement with the tool. Because tools are not typically used defensively.

Whereas with weapons we often see them either on that same axis as with tools or on the flat side. Because a weapon has more axis of movement in use. It doesn't need to just protect the shaft from a missed blow. It can be used to bat away other weapons with side to side motions without changing the offensive orientation of the weapon (necessitating langets on the side to protect the shaft).

Where the langets are located can tell one a lot about how it was used. Another thing to consider is that langets on pure tools tend to be more diminutive. Just long enough and wide enough to protect from the ill effects of a mis-strike or skipping.

Another thing about langets for pure tools is that they are very rarely recessed into the wood. Manufacturers tend to want to do as little removal of wood as possible. So langets often sit on top of the wood and have only as much fastening as is absolutely necessary.

So while it's probably not a good general rule to say that langets = war implement and no langets = tool implement (and I realize no one is saying that explicitly. Just warning against that potential analytical trap). It's still fair to say that it's more common on weapons. It's also fairly easy to distinguish between tool and weapon langets. Because their different purposes are reflected in how they are manifested on the piece.

[Edit: I'd like to add that the piece for discussion here appears to me to be more on the weapon side of things. The langets are long, fairly wide, and recessed.

But more than that the blade shape makes me think weapon. Notice the slight drop point on the spine from midway down to the tip. This brings the tip into alignment with the center-line of the shaft. Meaning this tip was meant to do at least some amount of thrusting. In addition to the what was likely the primary mode of use (cutting/hacking).

Also the blade itself appears to have to have a tapered-concave cross-section, with distal tapering along the spine? So it was made to be rigid on the spin, but also to be made very sharp. While still remaining light.

This doesn't seem all that tool-like. As a swung tool will rely partially on some measure of heft to do the work and bulk to resist damage. Dulling isn't as much of a problem given one has the luxury of stopping to sharpen an edge. Whereas on the battle field you want something to be as sharp as possible and when it dulls still be thin enough to have what sharpness remains carry it through the cut (because you can't just stop any time you like to hone the edge).

A weapon also can't be too heavy or a person won't be able to wield it for long. Unlike with a tool where again one has the luxury oif being able to take breaks. In battle you have to be able to wield a weapon for potentially much long stretches of time without rest.

All-in-all it definitely has more of a weapon feel to me.]

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