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Old 28th October 2018, 04:27 PM   #1
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Default Navaja with questions

Hello dear members,

I've bought my first navaja but my knowledge about this knives is very rudimentary and I hope that I get some answers to my questions from more knowledgeable members.
So far I know are this sort of navajas associated with France but this one is stamped clearly with Zaragoza which is in the North of Spain. The other inscription I can't read.
My questions: Is it a Spain navaja? How old is it? What is the scales material? Could it be celluloid?
The knife is opened 40,5 cm long, closed it is 22,3 cm, blade 19,5 cm and 4,5 mm thick at the base. Weight is 247 gram.

Thank you in advance for all comments!

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