Originally Posted by Philip
Haha  Ariel. It's "Ferd" as in Ferdinand, not Fred. But the imagery is highly amusing. When I was in college we used to sing a ribald ballad about Christopher Columbus ...
Are you paging me Filipe ?

... as you know 'Fernando' was the actual King's name

. Interesting that you mention Christopher Columbus (Cristóvão Colombo) as pertaining to the Boabdil saga.
Written material pretends that he was actually around by the time the Nasrid King was expelled from Granada. Interesting also how Francisco Pradilla depicted in 1882 the handing over the city keys to the Catholic Kings. Look at Boabdil's and one of his knights swords.
An artist's gesture of imagination this painting must be as, judging by what is registered, the Nasrid King delidered the keys to Fernando's officials at the Comares Tower of the Alhambra, on the 2nd. January 1492 by dawn.