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Old 26th October 2018, 09:05 AM   #9
Kmaddock's Avatar
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Ireland
Posts: 543

Hi Lenny,
Welcome to the forum from a fellow Irish member (not many of us here on the site, I am Kildare based)

A lot more pictures would be necessary to get much more information, read the introduction posts on image sizes and you will be fine.

That is one big gun, are there swivels for a sling as these are generally indicative of being a military weapon.

I hate taking locks off as it is so easy to damage the screws. from your first image it looks as if the screw holes are empty so there is probably not a lot inside anyway but there could be markings.

Are there any proof marks on the barrel as these are great at dating period of when the gun (or barrel ) was manufactured.

Lots more pictures please.

PS this thread would be better in the European section of the forum so the moderator will probably move the thread, don't take this personally as it will help the conversation grow.


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