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Old 21st October 2018, 07:07 AM   #10
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Philip
Here's a pic to show what I'm talking about. Here are 3 Chinese saber blades of "willow leaf" type, narrow and with curvature through most of length. The important thing is where the fullering ends. You'll note that the grooves don't run back to the guard. Even simple uni-channel designs all end a similar distance ahead of the guard.

Perfectly illustrated and explained Philip! I see exactly what you mean.

I wish I could think of where Ive seen something like this, seems like it was one of those Polish collection books which included not just Polish but other forms. I think possibly the Bashford Dean (1928) might have something as well but need to check ("European Court & Hunting Swords").
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