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Old 7th October 2018, 10:32 AM   #10
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: musorian territory
Posts: 436

Originally Posted by Kubur
What a nice weapon my friend!
What is the size and why the tip is protected?
Can you tell us more? Thanks

Hi Kubur
This Katti measures about 19 inches in length, i assume that the tip is covered with metal covering could be to protect the warrior from the pointed tip of blade when he carried it as it could inflict a wound.Thats what my guess is???
Someone else could know more about these weapons if the covering was for a functional purpose or Decorative.
Thanks Again
the covering on the tip is illogical and shows not use.. its not normally on these. and would serve only as another way to get your self killed if your were ever to use it ..
i suspect it either is s it is for some cultural purpose in a ceremony and the item was not used as a weapon and so has be made this way.. or it applies to some odd colonial weapons laws that effect the point of the weapon.. like the spanish had in some of their colonies with pointed tools and weapons..
it definitely has no practical use.
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