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Old 2nd October 2018, 03:47 AM   #1
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Default A very short Pedang Lurus

Hello All,

I recently picked up this pedang Lurus, and I'm happy to have done so, but I'm struck by how short the blade is relative to the scabbard. Is this a sign of age (i.e. the blade has worn down over time?) or was the blade originally this small? If so, is the scabbard as long as it it for status reasons? The blade looks a bit like what I've seen called a "keris Pedang/ligan." Maybe it started life that way?

As a side note, when I was trying to polish up the silver on the scabbard, a jewelers cloth that's formulated specifically for silver, it didn't do much. A more generic one worked wonders though. I've read that the older ones of these tend to have lower quality silver, but I'm not sure that can be told from how well a jewelers cloth works on it.

Any thoughts on the length, age, etc?

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