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Old 20th September 2018, 06:07 PM   #1
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Default Another Oddity From the Philippines

This sword seems to have a little touch of something for everyone...a kriss style blade, a horn hilt that has hints of a barong hilt with a touch of European flavor, an unusual guard with real silver bolster, an engraved floral motif at the forte, and an all wood scabbard carved in the Visayan style!

Based on looks I am rather sure it is post-1930 and made for God knows who!

The quality is respectable, but not great. Upon first seeing it I thought it had to be a tourist piece, but there seems to be to much time and effort not to mention the quality of materials for a tourist piece. It is a bit awkward to handle but is an adaptable fighter.

Comments welcomed.

Overall length: 33in.
Blade length: 25in.
Width of the blade's center:1.75in.
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