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Old 26th August 2018, 06:37 PM   #1
Tim Simmons
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Question Solomon Island region styles

I know you have all seen these before but I have nobody remotely interested in this sort of thing than you all here.

Playing with my toys it just struck me that these pictures present varying ages but most of all two schools of production. I understand the Solomons is a very difficult area of study. Due to many reasons of cultural change on both the producer and I would say more so on the side of collectors, and a general lack of verified documentation . There is a lot of established museum comment on shell work being {new art} of the 1900s and largely for sale. However a quick search can reveal many examples of cultural artifacts decorated with shell inlay in the 19th century, giant feast bowls and so on, including weapons. I do not expect any answers but I just thought the two styles worthy of comment.
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