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Old 20th August 2018, 05:02 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Scotland
Posts: 340
Default British Boarding Axes - Photographs wanted.

I'm currently researching the early British Boarding axe with the intention of improving the available knowledge and updating my website.

There are very few of these axes that survive and even fewer with makers marks. I am looking for information or pictures of makers names or for that matter any markings. The known makers at present are SARGANT/SARGENT, EDWARDS, REDDELL, WHYLL, SHAW and BADGER - there are of course others that have no markings at all. Apart from Sargant, the others only exist in one or two examples to my present knowledge. Some axes were also made in North America.

Because the pattern remained largely unchanged for at least a century they are very hard to date. Most of the above manufacturers show up in the trade directories of the time which helps but I would like to get a handle on which ones are early axes and which are later. There is also the Sargant/Sargent question to solve.

If you have one of these axes and would like to share please get in contact. You can post pictures here or if you prefer to remain private pm me and I'll send you my email.
I would be particularly interested if there was any provenance as well. For example Gilkerson (Boarders Away) identifies one excavated at Crown Point Fort which dates it to pre 1773. There are also unverified accounts of Sargant axes being recovered from 1812 War sites.

Any information or pictures appreciated.
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