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Old 20th August 2018, 11:48 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Rick
Well, it's a floor model; that's for sure.
It's cast iron Fernando?
The Seller's explanation sounds plausible.
Well Rick, i was precisely waiting for those with metallurgic knowledge to enlighten me. I can not distinguish the difference by only looking at its texture. The only 'text' i heard was that, being cast, the magnet would hardly, or not even, stick to it, which is not the case here. It all appoints to the mortar having been made with an entire interior mold and a two halves exterior one, as only the outside has a seam; and i see no signs of a possible interior seam having been ground.
Also the pestle could have been cast, judging by what it looks like a ventilating (or filler ?) sprue. But then, what seems to be a mark of a hole left for the handle introduction would have to be part of the mold., right ?
As for the "makers mark" it could also be part of the mold, like they do with cannon balls.
The handle has a texture that makes it look (to me) like it was beaten (forged) iron, though
But these are all conjectures; i am not sure of anything .

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