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Old 19th August 2018, 04:27 PM   #1
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Default All Iron Lance Of The Dogon or Mossi People of West Africa

I picked up this strange, but elegant, all iron lance whose features seem to identify it as Dogon(Mali) or Mossi(Burkina Faso). The lance is just short of 7ft, with a blade that is 14.5in. long and 5.5in. at its widest point. The blade is decorated at the base with brass ornaments.

Iron lances or spears are not uncommon to West Africa, but normally they are of a weight and balance that allows them to be used mounted, as lances, or be thrown as spears. This one is far too heavy to throw and would have to be used as a mounted warrior's lance. It may be a status, or ceremonial, polearm.

It's most strange feature is the unusual hook beneath the blade. I have no idea as to why it is there but would love any serious input on its possible purpose.
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