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Old 19th August 2018, 02:52 PM   #1
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Default A huge iron mortar & pestle for ID and comments

Bought this one today in next town flea market.This thing is no kids toy !!! I had to ask the neighbour to help me carry it up the stairs to the apartment.
The mortar weighs 32,8 Kgs. and the pestle 8,4 Kgs. (total over 91 pounds).
Apparently the mortar was made in two halves, judging by the seam, using with whatever techniques. What do you guys say ... cast ?
And the pestle ball; also cast ? There are three 'marks' in it, each one apparently for a different reason. Could the round one in the side be the mold venting sprue ? The other round one in the bottom; could it be result of the ball having been drilled all way through to secure the handle ? And that (sort of) figure 8 'flaw'; could it be the makers mark ?
The seller says this was a pharmacy tool to crush and grind 'stone' materials to convert them into powder; like talcum. Is this plausible ?

Anyone accepting this challenge ... please ?

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