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Old 15th August 2018, 05:08 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Jean
The good Professor mentions the mythical empu Sarah (unknown to me) from Majapahit as the originator of the kris pandai saras so he does not completely rule-out the Indonesian origin of the kris. And I am not able to fully understand what else he said about the origin of the kris (the translation is minimal, may be Green can confirm) so I give him the benefit of the doubt. Anyway it is clear that the Malay kris followed a separate development as compared to Java/ Madura/ Bali since several centuries, but with some Bugis influences in some areas.
Yes, i certainly noted that at times there was more talk than words translated so i am sure i was missing parts of this. I was not aware that Empu Saras (Sarah) was supposed to be of Mojopahit origin so thank you for that info.
Certainly once the keris was established in Malay areas it did indeed take its own route of development and developed its own terminology and customs.
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