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Old 14th August 2018, 04:36 PM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by Richard G
There are a couple of anomalies I can see in this lock.
1, A lock dated 1799 should have a swan-necked cock rather than ring-necked. The EIC did use ring-necked flat locks, but on pistols rather than long arms. The ring-necked cock they brought in for long arms in about 1813 was a rounded cock.
2, It would be very unusual not to see an inspection mark under the pan.
3, The upper arm of the spring that powers the frizzen or steel should extend backwards well beyond the screw securing the lower arm of the spring. In this lock I wonder if the spring is broken because it looks almost too short to bear on the frizzen when it is brought down.
Hi Richard

Thanks for your comments. You are correct in all three of your notes above. I noticed the incorrect, flat hammer before I bid. The rest I couldn't determine from the Auction photos. But I knew enough to tell the lock plate was authentic, and not a locally made copy.
I'll take the lock off and let it soak. Then check it out and see whats all wrong, worn, or missing. LOL Fortunately, in my case, I probably have enough original spare parts to make the lock working and correct. Even a couple of complete EIC locks that are correct to the period.
It appears to have hsd at some point some lock parts replaced with whatever was lying around at the moment. But this does not really surprise me with these Jazails. LOL But one way or the other, I'll get this lock correct.
But for me, the big attraction was that fluted barrel.
Thanks again for your comments.

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