Thread: It's in a book.
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Old 12th August 2018, 10:02 PM   #11
Tim Simmons
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Default Shark mace.

To continue this thread. I have just managed to join in all the fun agian with the purchase (had to spend more than I wanted to)of this fascinating shark mace / club. I would think it is 1920-30s. Now the debate is what is the purpose ? Tourist production or cultural art object ? From this one of the sellers picture the only full length image. It has been carved and finished with great care polished with degree of patination. When I have it I can make a better sudy. Personally I do not think it is a weapon club. Sharks feature heavily in Solomon Island art and culture, myth and religion especially pre Christian missionary conversion. Elements of pre conversion shark cults still survive today, shark calling and feeding. I do wonder is this was the possession of a shark priest. For the moment I post some background information. A shark man sculpture from the British museum published 1977 The Tribal Image, William Fagg, British Musem Press. A very informative link to PDF. A shark reliquary, internet picture Penn Museum.
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Last edited by Tim Simmons; 12th August 2018 at 10:17 PM.
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