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Old 7th August 2018, 04:04 PM   #11
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

Originally Posted by thinreadline
Here is a statue of Maj Gen Wm Earle who was killed at the Battle of Kirbekan in 1885 , whilst part of the Nile Expeditionary Force in the Sudan. He is clearly shown striding over one of these shields. This statue is on the plateau of St Georges Hall in Liverpool.
Useful post from thinreadline. So, I think its safe to say these shields were used by the northern Sudanese riverine tribes (Nubian) in the late 19th century. Likely, many of the examples found in Europe are war trophies.

Regarding the Funj peoples, there doesn't seem to be much clear and definitive information about them on the internet. It seems they were/are one of the Nubian groups to be found between Omdurman and Wadi Halfa ??
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