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Old 5th August 2018, 05:22 PM   #18
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,262

Jentayu, thank you very much for translation, it's a great help!

A question - could Teuku Kalit be a title, the Dutch spelling being (Teuku) Kali?

"For the administration of justice the Uleebalang avails himself of the sevices of Kali (kadhi - a judge in Islamic law), whom he himself nominates." (Snouck Hurgronje, "The Achechnese")

Like there was Panglima of a Sagi (confederation of districts), a nominal chief of Uleebalangs of these districts, there was also a Kali, which was then the chief Kali of a Sagi. His title was Kali Rabon Jale and he was appointed directly by Sultan.

Above the Kali of Uleebalalang and Kali of Panglima Sagi there was a supreme hereditary judge with a title of Kali Malikon Ade. He initially possibly could apply Hukom as well as Adat law and ideally would be a president of a royal court of justice.

It seems this system certainly wasn't working anymore in 19th cent. (or even earlier) because of great independency of (three) Sagi's and Uleebalangs.

So Kali Malikon Ade was later in fact just a title, which indicated the origin of the position, "Judge of the righteous King"; a master of court ceremonies, to whom a fixed portion of harbour dues was assigned. He became what was called Uleebalang Poteu (Uleebalang of our Lord), equal in rank to the almost independent provincial chiefs, but without territory. The official title of Teuku which he bore points to the complete secularisation of his office.

Finally one of the holders of the title used a weakness of a Panglima Meuseugit Raya (the head of around 24 Kampongs on either side of Aceh river in neighbourhood of the court and principal mosque) and succeeded in gaining control of over half of latter's jurisdiction. Sicnce then Teuku Kali was a chief (Uleebalang) of small (12 Kampongs) but important territory and at the same time, as court dignitary, not without influence in the choice of a successor to the throne.

.................................................. ..............

Charles, thank you very much!
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