Thread: Maberly
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Old 5th August 2018, 01:26 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Scotland
Posts: 340
Default Maberly

There are five British boarding axes in the Royal Armouries museum all made by Sargant and also marked with the BO and the broad arrow signifying government ownership.

On the reverse side they are all marked MABERLY 68.

It seems unlikely to be a manufacturer considering they are already marked to Sargant. I have found naval officers with that name but this also seems an unlikely explanation. I can find no record of a ship naval or merchant at least in British records.

Does any one have an edged weapon marked to Maberly or know of a ship called that?
Any thoughts or ideas appreciated.

The axes were probably made around 1820/30. A new pattern was introduced in 1859.

Regards, David.
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