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Old 4th August 2018, 11:56 AM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,262

Ian, Kai, Detlef - thank you very much!

Yes, I had luck this time - blade came out very well, without deep scars (there were two bigger rusted areas where you could expect everything, one on each side). Three members of the upper crown are a bit battered, but there still is the typical red staining.

The blade is 53,2 cm long, 3,7cm broad at handle, 4 cm before it curves to tip. You cannot see it well in pictures (it is almost impossible to take adequate pictures of a longer blade without professional equipment), but in hand I immediately noticed the broadening. The blade looks less stiff.

Actually the broadening towards the tip occurs quite naturally forging out the blade. I also think to have noticed this feature in some pictures of other SP now, but that's mostly a guess work. I suppose, the state of my blade is quite close to original without much reshaping - Kuro is well defined, with clear, crisp borders.

Regarding Pamor, at the moment it seems to me there could be a deliberate difference between common and status SP in number of layers. A good comparison are the blades of ex-Gavin and ex-P.Dekker (and mine).
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