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Old 1st August 2018, 12:11 AM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 67

A number of European armies wore their own versions of the French m/1821 (Saxony and Switzerland come immediately to mind), so to be certain which armies used the examples in your photo, you'd have to look at fine details. The one with the spherical pommel nut is distinctive and should stand out from most other versions.

The stirrup-hilted sword on the right could belong to any one of several states. It's a fairly common configuration, and the devil is in the details, again. At first, I thought it was a m/1811 Prussian LC (and later, mounted artillery) sabre, but those had ears on the backstrap that your example lacks.

The piece with the lion's head pommel is interesting. I'll see if I can find anything similar in my reference materials.
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