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Old 21st July 2018, 08:32 PM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Charles,

Thanks a lot for yet another special example!

The openwork scabbard is the more unique feature here. Perhaps our Moro experts can explain the designs of the cut out open areas. The scabbard is strangely bound with thin hide strips. The rattan bindings are to help keep the scabbard closed at the top and bottom where two strips were missing and are restorations by me.
How are the bands of hide closed or are they intact tubes? Maybe later additions?

Any hints of earlier rattan binding along the scabbard?

Everything else is rather standard except that what looks like a wooden pommel is actually brushed copper on a short carved wooden mount!...weird!
Possibly a somewhat later repair? The craftsmanship doesn't seem on par with the (also later?) pommel plate... (Probably also some wear of the soft metal?)

I have a suspicion this is a 19th-century blade remounted in the early to mid 20 century.
Based on the gangya line configuration, I'd place this heavy blade as early 20th c.; scabbard probably later, I guess.

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