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Old 19th July 2018, 05:42 AM   #14
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

No pics Kai, I had 4 or 5 of these things, all sold more than 20 years ago. Yes, certainly a mixed lot, but with blades that were sufficiently similar to be grouped as a style, and with mounts that were sufficiently similar to be grouped as a style.

Can we identify a precise cultural origin of Rafngard's example?
No, we cannot. Theories and ideas are not facts.
Can we identify a broad general geographic origin?
Very probably, yes.

Is it possible for people from this broad geographic area to provide an identity for this style of blade, when correctly mounted?
In my experience, yes it is.

So even though the name that I use might not be the exact name that is used in the exact geographic area of origin, I will continue to use this name, for the time being. One of my problems being that I do not know exactly where this style of blade originates --- seems like nobody else does either.

Since we do not yet know with any certainty the precise geographic and cultural origin for this style of blade in general, and for Rafngard's example in particular, I would most gently suggest that here we have a golden opportunity for a committed student of SE Asian edged weaponry to establish some sort of reputation for himself. Of course, he would need to first learn conversational Bahasa Indonesia as a bare minimum, and then be prepared to carry out the necessary field research , but I am certain the rewards from this endeavour would be immense.

When I learn of the correct origin, and the correct name, I might begin to use that name if it differs from the one I presently use. But then we still might have a problem, because in Jawa and Bali, names for the same artefact can change when you move from one side of the street to the other. It might be similar in Sumatra.
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