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Old 13th July 2018, 04:51 PM   #26
EAAF Staff
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Location: Upstate New York, USA
Posts: 926
Unhappy That does not surprise me.

Originally Posted by midelburgo
Not just Scottish swords, also ... This workshop touched everything.
That does not surprise me. In the case of my examples, I never really suspected the first and after an experienced collector 'passed' it, I bought another from the same dealer and finding a few too many coincidences soon the seeds of suspicion began to sprout. I think that the blades on both of mine are actually good old German blades, but were taken from a sword of a style with less market value (so the greatest tragedy is if something genuine was vandalized rather than old dismounted blades merely remounted). One fell the other day when I was rehanging it and it remained standing upright after the tip buried over a half of an inch into wooden flooring. A good strong pull and it was free and there was no trace of any damage to the tip.
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