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Old 12th July 2018, 08:19 PM   #4
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You're welcome Detlef. Perhaps people are digesting Cole's paper before replying. Or maybe the subject is a bit too "academic" for many folks.

I thought Cole's observations about the origins of the various groups in Northern Luzon was interesting, and helps explain the distribution of these groups in the past and today. My own interests are in the influence of Ilocano culture on the area, as it relates to edged weapons. The Spanish considered the Ilocanos the most "civilized" of the groups in northern Luzon, and Cole makes mention of them interbreeding with foreign groups, including Chinese immigrants. As the most cosmopolitan and technologically advanced group in northern Luzon at the time of the Spanish arrival, it is perhaps not surprising that their culture influenced many of the other groups in the region, primarily through trade. Again, Cole specifically mentions trading patterns between the Ilocanos and Pangasinan and the Tagalog areas.

The Tinguian, ethnologically similar to the Ilocanos, offer another avenue through which Ilocano technology and culture may have spread to other mountain dwelling groups when the former chose to preserve their traditional ways and move inland rather than convert to Catholicism and engage with the Spanish.

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