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Old 12th July 2018, 12:03 PM   #25
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 259

Not just Scottish swords, also schiavonas, katzbalgers, dusaks, ritterschwerts from 1600 and walloon swords. This workshop touched everything. There was a post about them in swordforum. In 2009 maybe. I have tried with the search engine to no avail.

Very nice replicas, that handled also beautifully.

Taken one by one they did not raise suspicions, but as a group they did. A similar level of damage. Similar thread at the grips and turknots, very clear marks, sometimes repeated, same file marks. I got a Ritterschwert in 2005 that was sold to me as a Victorian replica. But I think the workshop was still working in the 2000s, maybe in East Europe. There were many connections to a Birmingham dealer, at a time he was selling a couple of these swords a month. And the level of damage was being increased. I was collecting the pictures and there was something sniffy there. If they are still active and have corrected their mistakes, you need short of metallographic techniques to find out.
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