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Old 10th July 2018, 05:14 PM   #16
kronckew's Avatar
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Location: Room 101, Glos. UK
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,The swords have arrived at my friend's home. He's sent some pics. The Royal Crest is prominent on the blade and scabbard of the sabre. the text on the khyber knife and the talwar is clear, the talwar grip has a faint motif of dotted circles, one just forward of the hilt rivet (which I gather is an Afghani custom unlike Indian ones).

If you can read them & let us know he would be a happy man...Thanks in advance. A flood of pictures follow. (one shows even the sabre's spine is decorated). Afghan crest included.
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Last edited by kronckew; 10th July 2018 at 05:34 PM.
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