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Old 7th July 2018, 06:23 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by kronckew
I've had more info on the dates and had info from some other acquaintances and found 3 more swords with very similar Afghani blades as the shamshir from a variety of vendors with dates in the 1314 range attributed to the late 19c. I noted that the solar calendar that puts them at the 1930's was not adopted by the Afghani legislature until Gregorian 1922! So swords made before that in 1895 apparently marked with the Arabian version of the calendar, not the Persian. Confusing, isn't it?
You are correct. During the reign of King Amanullah, Afghanistan went from Hijri Qamari, to Hijri Shamsi. I would put the change closer to 1919 though. I am not sure of the exact dates, just remember roughly from history books about 30 years ago in primary school. If all my books were not in boxes now I could have opened on and found out exactly.
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