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Old 27th June 2018, 10:07 PM   #10
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Roland, I admit that it is difficult to judge from photos, but based upon what I can see in your photos I would consider this warangan job to be totally unacceptable, and not only for the rust.

It might look better in the hand, but if I got a warangan job that looks like the job in the photos, it would be sent straight back to the person who did it. Yes, you cannot do this, and neither would I, unless I was no more than a half hour drive from the bloke who had screwed the job.

As to arsenic, is there no mechanism within your country to obtain correct legal authority to use hazardous chemicals, here it is a HAZCHEM certificate that requires a minor technical course to be completed.
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