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Old 19th June 2018, 04:10 AM   #16
jagabuwana's Avatar
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Location: Sydney, Australia
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What Alan said may be stern, but it is more than fair.

I'd also like to add in my two cents:
I am Indonesian (Sundanese), but Australian born and raised, albeit with a strong cultural and linguistic upbringing. There are tosan aji / pusaka in my family including tombak, kujang and keris which has caused me to learn more about the keris.

I had no idea that the keris is an item born from the Javanese imagination - it's whole narrative and existence is Javanese. While I have a good feeling and insight into folk beliefs and worldviews via Sundanese traditions, myth and esoteric practices, it is similar but in no way the same as that of Orang Jawa, or even of a Orang Sunda who have been raised in that culture and way of living and understanding the world. While I have parallel beliefs and ways of seeing the world, the Western aspect of it (empirical) is hard to override and colours my understanding of the keris.

Nevertheless, I have the appetite to understand and apprehend the keris and what surrounds its. It seems like you do too. Ridho, you are as Alan mentioned in an enviable position here. Use your location and your language to your advantage here. You are in a great position to learn more but it's not an easy thing to learn or understand.

Like all things, this knowledge and information is not just going to be "given" to you just because you're asking on the internet. Though I wish it were that easy

EDITED: I came across as a bit of a jerk due to my tone and wording the first time around. Changed it to be more polite and closer to my tone and intentions.

Last edited by jagabuwana; 19th June 2018 at 06:01 AM.
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