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Old 19th June 2018, 02:46 AM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

I believe we need to consider the fabric that holds the pattern, separately to the light 'canvas' underlay.

You mention silk and you mention the application of gold. Both silk and gold (prada/prodo) are used in some types of batik.

I suggest that you study the actual pattern under magnification and strong light and see if you can determine the process that was used to create it.

The thing is this:- we have drawing processes, printing processes and weaving processes that can be used to create such a pattern. It certainly does not appear to be woven. Is it printed or is it drawn? Magnified examination will probably tell you what you are looking at. If it is drawn directly and coloured directly onto the fabric, then it is not batik, if it appears to be the product of the wax exclusion process then you ask if it is cap or tulis, and again, magnified examination may provide you with a clue. Perceived age appears to exclude machine production.
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