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Old 15th June 2018, 11:12 PM   #7
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Ridho, it is true that with my previous post to this thread I went a little bit further in talking about classification parameters than I usually do. I did this because the photos were adequate to permit some relevant comment, and because the subject is close to a textbook example of Koripan.

I also felt that my comment on the false presentation of Koripan as M'ram SA needed to be made. Actually, one of the best indicators of the real identity of a blade is what a legitimate dealer will ask for it.

Koripan might be presented as M'ram Kinom, but the price will only be maybe double what Koripan is worth.

But if a blade by Kinom or Guling or similar is genuinely able to be classified as this, and it is in good condition, then you can start thinking in terms of very, very heavy money.

Heavy money? What is heavy money? Well we do not talk specific values here, this Forum is about keris understanding, not about keris prices, but put it this way:- you can buy a very nice small car for what you would pay for high quality keris attributable to a highly ranked empu.

I will very, very rarely go out on a limb on the evidence of a photograph, as I have in this case.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 15th June 2018 at 11:23 PM.
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