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Old 15th June 2018, 02:24 PM   #12
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by kahnjar1
A beautiful gun Ivo. I can only echo the comments already placed here, but what about those indentations on the barrel surface? This type of indentation has been discussed elswhere in relation to Rick's Tanchika
The suggestion is that at some stage these held stones/corals as decoration. There appears to be residue in the indentations on your gun, so what do Members think as to this being some sort of glue which originally held stones in place?
Hi Stu

After another look, it does appear the barrel has a small trace of silver wire inlay. That would be very common for this quality of barrel. And I can imagine other decoration. I'm pretty sure the barrel is either Ottoman or Persion. The "raised" round holes from the chiseling do seem to suggest stones of some type. If so, you can imagine what this barrel looked like when new.

The barrel and lock should clean up very nice. It's a neat and interesting gun.

Ivo: Let me know if you ever decide to trade it. LOL

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