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Old 12th June 2018, 12:02 AM   #9
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

tangguh > menangguh > penangguh : noun > action > doer

Old Tuban blades were often quite a bit more substantial than other Javanese blades.

The cross section is "like young bambu", ie, more or less ovoid, thick, no ada-ada.

The gonjo is short and thick, buntut urang is short, no waist between gendok and buntut urang, it is not ngebit rontal, but it is also not quite nguceng mati, it is pretty straight and generally ugly, the sirah cecak is short and a bit rounded. I cannot clearly see the profile of the sirah cecak from above, but what I can see seems to indicate that the sirah cecak conforms, and the rest of the gonjo does conform.

Gandhik is low, blumbangan is not deep.

The thing with tangguh is this Novan:- get a textbook example and photos that show what needs to be seen and many different tangguh you can can bet on --- maybe not absolutely 100%, but certainly 99% or better.

The problem with tangguh in the present day is that virtually nobody understands the how, where and why of it, thus it has become a commercial tool used to assist sales, and every keris ever made is supposed to be able to have a tangguh. Sorry baby, doesn't work like that. But try telling that to the half educated dipsticks that want to spout tangguh this that and the other all over the place. Best to say nothing.

Your keris I'd put my shirt on.


It has been pointed out to me that I should mention that the word "tangguh" is both a part of Javanese language and Indonesian language, and that it has a number of meanings and applications.

Accordingly I have deleted some of my original text in the interests of clarity. What I have written about the word "tangguh" is adequate for the purposes of keris discussion

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 12th June 2018 at 12:26 AM.
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