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Old 26th May 2018, 04:19 PM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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BUMP !!!!

I was going to start a new Thread, but then remembered fellow Forum member, Bandook had started this Thread on South Indian pistols. So I used the Search function which brought up his original post from this month - a year ago. So, I thought I would just continue the conversation.

Here is a recent aquisition I bought from Auctions Imperial about 3/4 auctions ago. Notice how similar this pistol looks to the one Kubur posted above from Oriental Arms. Even the lock.
When I received the pistol there were only two issues (that I knew beforehand)
1. LOCK: The top screw was slightly bent, and the frizzen was not quite flush while covering the pan. So the Locksmith made the fixes and tuned the lock. It now works/sparks great.
2. STOCK: The front ramrod pipe was missing as well as the ramrod. So I had a new pipe made to match the rear. It turned out to be an almost dead-ringer to the rear pipe. Had a new iron and wood rod made to match.

So this small bit of restoration has the pistol looking much better now. Thanks for looking. Picture heavy as usual. LOL

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