Thread: Amanremu
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Old 25th May 2018, 08:23 AM   #19
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Roland,

it is a Batak Pakpak Ladingin!
My vote is still amanremu/mermu based on the blade (profile/etc., see below).

Here is my source and if you search for "Ladingin" you will find one from Gavin Nugent, which is very similar to my one and it also fits exactly to the Ladingin from Volz. The Amanremu got longer "horns" on the hilt and the tip of the blade is less rounded.
I have Volz and agree that the example from Gavin's site is a typical ladingin. (I'm attaching a few pics for future reference. BTW, I believe this piece has a laminated blade with steel slorok.)

Ladingin blades typically exhibit a relatively evenly-radiused tip and fairly slender blades. Amanremu/mermu typically have this steep, kinda angled tip profile; however, this can get worn out from use. Mermu from the southern end of their distribution can have fairly slender blades which can blur the distinction between worn mermu blades and ladingin somewhat...

I agree that the hilt of your piece does merit a closer look: Pics from different angles would be great!

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