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Old 23rd May 2018, 06:51 PM   #6
Martin Lubojacky
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 841

Hi Valjhun,
The adornment and metal inlay work in the wooden parts is very nice, but still - and I apologize for such a question in advance (more so not being expert in this field) - how old do you think the wooden parts are ? IMHO exactly this (nice) work is characteristic (among many others - of course, but predominantly) for the Turkish region around Gazi Antep (production of chracteristic furniture and wooden boxes). This "indoustry" is flourishing there for centuries till now and the older the item - the measlier the inlay work... This adornment is not, I think, typical for the Caucasus region (and on the other side, the ball pommel is, as you wrote)
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