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Old 21st May 2018, 03:49 PM   #6
Jens Nordlunde
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Charles, you have a very nice Moplah - congratulations:-).

Another weapon but of Hindu origin is the Aydha Katthi from Coorg, which is from about the same area as the Moplah.
After a violent outbreak in 1884, where the magistrate was copped to pieces on his veranda, more than 15'000 weapons were confiscated and most dumped at sea. Only a small number were alowed to go into museums.
This is why realy old knives/swords of this kind are so rare.
The one shown below is 18th to early 19th century. The stamp on the blade says LIN or LIM in Kannada script, and stands for the rulers name Lingaraja.
See The Journal of The Arms and Armour Society. Vol. XXII, no 4. September 2017. Two Iconic Knives of the Rajah og Coorg by Nidhin Olikara.
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