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Old 18th May 2018, 04:29 PM   #1
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Default A Nice Quality Moplah/Mapilla Knife

The Moplah, or Mapilla, are Muslims living along India's Malabar coast. Their style of knife/sword/chopper has become quite a famous form and is considered to originate in very ancient designs. The hilts and blades may vary in details, and slightly in size, but are generally always of the same profile. Like many ethnographic weapons, the quality of the mounts may vary due to status and wealth.

This example is rather mundane except for two characteristics: the reinforced, elongated diamond sectioned blade(or if you prefer, a shallow ribbed blade), and the enameled bolster.

Like most examples, it either never had a scabbard, or the scabbard is long gone.

Overall length: 19.5in.
Blade length: 11in.
Blade's widest point:3.25in.
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