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Old 18th May 2018, 04:12 PM   #1
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Default A Unique European Hunting Sword With an Indo-Persian Wootz Blade

I have seen European hunting swords with "damascus" blades before, but have never seen one with a wootz blade, and an Islamic cartouche in addition. The blade here is of quality wootz, and I no reason to believe it is a cut-down sword...perhaps someone can convince me otherwise.

I know nothing of European swords, much less European hunting swords, so I am trying to learn a few things about this one. Its hilt is stag horn with steel mounts, including the common shell style guard. Is it a custom made sword in a certain European form(ie. German)? Is it more likely to be a Persian or Indian sword, simply mimicking European styles? Looking forward to hearing opinions!

Can anyone translate the cartouche?
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