Thread: Khyber Knife
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Old 15th May 2018, 08:44 PM   #3
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Very nice find. This was made for a government official or maybe someone well off, I am not abreast on my history any more but the name sounds familiar. It was most likely made in the blacksmiths rd, (Kocha e Aahangaraan) in Kabul. Anyways on to the translation; I could not make out part of it, maybe some better pictures might help but no guarantee. Number one is (farmaayesh e) meaning ordered by, I could not make the next set of words. Number 3 is (Abdul Qaader Khan) the name of the person ordering it. Number 2 is the year, again it is not clear but I am gonna go with 1276, this would be based on the lunar calendar, so about 150 years ago give or take a few since I am not sure what year it is now.
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