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Old 28th April 2018, 12:25 AM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Originally Posted by oracle_2010
1. Why there are different types of sepuhan in the keris?
Well, given your nick, I rather expect you to tell us!

2. What is the actual purpose of this "sepuhan" process in the keris making? Is it having the same purpose as "quenching" in the blade making or is there more purpose to it?
My vote goes to quenching, for sure.

There certainly could be additional layers: e. g. talismanic features, imbued magic(k)/spells/"power", etc. In a ritual setting it may make "sense" to add poison even if it got biologically inactive from the heat while quenching.

3. Is there literally exist a "poisonous keris"?
As Alan pointed out, serious wounds would be tough to survive in any traditional culture, anyway. Poison was widely utilized for hunting in SEA and also part and parcel of fighting but would need to show effects very quickly to be of any practical use during infighting.

Regarding your question, this will certainly depend on culture, time period, and additional conditions. I do believe we can exclude any pusaka keris from a Jawa kraton to get poisoned - the mere thought seems akin to blasphemy. However, a coastal pirate preparing for a raid may have had a completely different mindset a few centuries back...

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